Mitsubishi DG Aquamicron Solvent GEX, APGEXV
Mitsubishi Chemical -- Item TECPIM000153550
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DG Aquamicron Solvent GEX, max 0.2mg/H2O 10bottles/box
Product Details
Mitsubishi Chemical
Mitsubishi Chemical supplies a diverse range of goods, from materials to functional products. In doing so, not only does it support the foundations of various industries, it also provides solutions that contribute to solving a wide range of social issues.Across the Mitsubishi Chemical Group, they have developed proprietary and basic technologies in a wide range of business domains: Performance Products, Industrial Materials & Health Care.
Mitsubishi Chemical aims to resolve the issues of people, society and our planet Earth in pursuit of a sustainable future. Through the power of chemistry, together to save the earth and create a new future.