We are happy to assist you, please contact our Customer Service at email support.labshop.au@dksh.com or call 1800 010 114.
How can I apply for a login account?
Register your user account HERE. You’ll receive an email after your submission to activate the account. If you are already a DKSH customer, please contact us on your user account.
How do I update my password?
You may reset your password by clicking the link in the LOGIN PAGE. You’ll receive a Password Reset email after your submission. Follow the instruction in the email to login with the temporary password assigned to your email ID.
To update with a new password, go to “Contact & Sign-In Information” page in your user account. Please take note that your new password must be a combination of capital letters, small letters, numbers & special character.
For DKSH customers with user account pre-registered for you, please login with your email address and temporary password assigned to you.
How do I change my account details?
Please write to us at support.labshop.au@dksh.com or call 1800 010 114 on your enquiry.
I would like to request a quotation for my purchases, can I get it through DKSH LabShop?
For items where pricing is not available, you may add the item(s) to cart and click “Request Quote” at the cart page. Alternatively, you may submit your quote request from the product pages. Our specialist will contact you on your enquiry.
You may also self-generate quotation for your purchase order issuance. Simply add the item(s) to cart and click “Request Quote” at the cart page. You’ll received a Quotation email to attach with your purchase order.
Can I attach my PO in the “Check Out” page?
Yes, you can attach your Purchase Order (PO) directly on the checkout page. Simply upload the document in the designated section. If you have any specific delivery requirements or instructions, please include those in the 'Delivery Instructions & Comments' field at checkout to ensure your preferences are noted. Please note that the document size limit is 3MB, and only PDF format is allowed.
Order and Payment
What is the minimum order for this DKSH LabShop?
A minimum spending of AUD$250 is required to check out your cart in our DKSH LabShop.
Can I place an order below AUD$250?
You will not be able to check out your cart with an order below AUD $250 in our DKSH LabShop. Please contact our Customer Service at support.labshop.au@dksh.com or 1800 010 114 to process your order.
What payment options are available?
Two payment methods are available in our LabShop. You can choose to pay with PayPal for Credit/Debit card transactions. If you are already our customer, you can select to pay with credit terms under your corporate account.
Shipping and Delivery
What is the delivery charges for this platform?
Delivery charges is AUD$49 to any part of Australia. Regret to inform that we do not ship outside of Australia.
My shipping address is incorrect. How do I change the address?
Please send an email to support.labshop.au@dksh.com with your updated shipping address. The new address will be updated in your account within 5-7 working days.
How can I track my shipment?
Currently, you are not able to track your shipping information in DKSH LabShop. However, upon your successful order, you will receive a confirmation email. Our team will then contact you separately via email to confirm with you on your delivery date.
Order History
Can I see the past orders that I have placed in DKSH LabShop?
Yes, you can check on your past orders placed in DKSH LabShop under “Order History”.
Can I see the past purchases made by my colleague in his/ her account?
Currently, you are only able to see the past purchases made by your own account under “Order History”.
User Guide to Navigate our DKSH LabShop
Click HERE for tips to navigate our DKSH LabShop.